Domain Management

This page shows you how to create new domain records or manage and update the existing ones.

1. Register Domains

If you want to onboard a new member of your team, you need to set up a new domain first.

1.1 Create Domain (DNS Provider)

SquadDNS is no DNS provider, so it cannot just create new domains that can be used online. Please open the DNS management of your provide and create a new record for the developers domain.

This is usually an A record that needs to point to the IP address of the server where SquadDNS is installed.

Here is a sample screenshot from Cloudflare.

Attention, if you only get endless redirects later on, try setting the Cloudflare SSL/TLS encryption mode to "Full".

1.2 Add Domain to SquadDNS

Now that your domain has been officially registered, you can add it to SquadDNS. Just enter the domain and click on Add Record.

Because we have configured our official DNS already, accessing it in the browser will now navigate us to your SquadDNS server, which recognized the domain too, but doesn't have any target assigned.

2. Manage Domains

When you start a new tunnel, you usually need to update the target of your domain.

SquadDNS gives you a simple overview of all registered domains.

Updating Target

Every line comes with a textfield for the target, that you can use to enter your new tunnel domain.

Enable / Disable

You can also enable or disable the whole domain. This is useful if you want to just disable it, but keep it in the system.


SquadDNS allows you to simply restrict access to your tunnel, by enabling authentication options.

Authentication options automatically include both BasicAuth as well as the list of allowed IP addresses.

Basic Authentication users are automatically all users in SquadDNS. This includes administrators, users, but also guest accounts if you want to share your tunnel with someone.

The list of IP addresses considers the global list of the added IP addresses in the system.

If the IP address is already recognized, no more Basic Authentication will be used for the visitor.

When you're done with your configuration, just click on Update.

You should now see an Update indicator in the top navigation, as well as next to your domain. The indicator will be automatically updated once the system is ready and new changes have been applied.

If you then refresh your page, you should see the updated list of domains.

Congratulations, your domain should now succcessfully forward your request to the configured target endpoint!

3. Delete Domains

Domains can only be deleted by administrators. If you have that role, just click on delete and confirm your action.

Your domain should now be succesfully removed from the system.

Don't forget, that you also need to remove the domain in your DNS providers records, if you want to completely remove it from this world

Last updated